Sunday, August 16, 2009


This weekend I have spent some time watching Hallmark and WE (women's entertainment). On WE, I watched Under the Tuscan Sun. I wanted to hide in the closet during the scene when Diane Lane's character, Frances is dancing and chanting "I've still got it." Gross. Embarrassing moment aside, I really love the overall message of the movie.

Quick synopsis: Frances's husband divorces her. She didn't expect it. Her friend offers her a trip to the Tuscany with a group called 'gay and away.' She accepts. While there, she purchases an awesome estate/cottage. She has ups and downs and manages to make all of her wants come true.

Here's what I love about it, we all go through those downer times in life. Then an opportunity arises. We reject it. Thankfully we have a moment of clarity and faith. Soon thereafter, if not immediately, we find ourselves accepting and embracing. Our thoughts are 'this is scary and exciting but I am doing it NOW or else I never will.' Don't you love you those moments?

My 'scary and exciting' moments are clear. Here are some to mention: 1. Switching colleges last minute: I said no to Utah State and hit up BYUI even though I had a scholarship at Utah State. 2. Deciding on massage therapy. I was on a Saturday drive, passed by the facility, and said I am doing this. No looking back since then:) 3. Meeting Damien Rice. Sure I tripped and fell on my face while going up to meet him, but I did it, and as an added bonus I hugged him! 4. Going to Colorado for massage gig. I was only gone for 7 weeks, but learned a lifetime of lessons and managed to fall in love with Colorado. 5. Doula training. I had no money. I offered a smoking deal selling massage gift certificates and worked the rest out with my trainer.

I pray for more moments in my life when my heart is racing, I have total faith, and No idea of how the details will pan out. But totally stoked. To me, this is what life is all about. And to think, this post came to life because of a WE movie event.


Shannon said...

I just want to say that I love you! You're so good with your words! Let's get together real soon...I want to hear all the details of your first doula-ing experience!!

Heather said...

I wish I knew how to get that much out of movie...


Shannon's right--you do have a way with words.

I feel like a big loser...I can't think of a single "scared and excited" moment from my life. Can you?

Sounds like I better start living!!

Leatha said...

You are awesome! I love those moments. They've totally changed the course of my life. Let's do lunch - please!

Lindsey said...

One of my moments like that was deciding to have a baby; way scary but exhilarating definitely worth it!